You have just received your report card and the results are very colorful. You failed half of your subjects and the rest are “C’s” and “D’s”. You are so going to catch it from your parents and on top of that, you can’t graduate from high school. You can’t go to college because none of the colleges you applied to accepted.
Your Parents
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· Fear of the wrath of your parents when they see your results.
· Fear of your future and what career lies ahead for you
· Fear of you not being able to get a good job
· Fear of you not being able to take care of yourself
· Anxious about your future
· Anxious about how you are going to graduate
· Anxious of how your parents respond
· Anxious for your future
· Anxious for how well you do in life
· Anxious if you can cope with college
· Concerned about how your parents are going to kill (punish) you
· Concerns about how you will get a job
· Concerned on how to graduate
· Concerned about your grades
· Concerned on how you can manage life
· Concerned on how you are going to get a job
· Needs to get a job
· Needs to get a college degree
· Needs to have you in college and on track with your schoolwork
1) You can get a part-time job and at the same time study for college. In doing this, you can try to get into a college and earn some money to pay for your college fees. That way, you can relieve pressure off of your parents’ economic problems and still try to pursue college and hopefully, when you graduate from college, you can get a better job. In the mean time, you could study harder and improve your grades at high school right now.
2) You could just NOT go to college and just finish high school and dedicate yourself to finding a job that pays decent so you can make a living.
3) It’s not too late to try to improve your grades at school. Do your best and put as much time into your studies as possible. Do your best at school and maybe you can still get into a college and find a decent paying job.
4) Study on your own for an extra year and take the entrance exams next year to try to get into college.
5) Pray and ask God to help you in this situation. Ask Him to help you do your best in whatever is placed in front of you.
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