a free-verse poem by your wonderful editor
Depression, boredom
Withdrawal from activities and running away from home
Drug, alcohol abuse
Change in eating and sleeping habits or patterns
Grades drop
Changes in personality and giving away important belongings
These are signs of suicide
“I’d rather die.”
“The world would be better without me” and “I won’t be here much longer”
“Nobody understands.”
“Here, take this” and “Nothing can be done to make things better”
“I don’t care anymore”
“You’ll be sorry when I’m gone” and “Nobody cares about me”
These are phrases that hint on suicide

Watch out
Listen for these phrases and keep your eyes peeled for these hints
You can help
When action or help is given early, it can be the difference for that person
They don’t want to die
They are in pain and just want to end it
You can talk them out of it or you could help them seek advice

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